Saturday was the first full day in Berlin. I woke up at 4 AM originally, because it never totally gets dark out and the birds were going insane. Once I was able to fall sleep I slept until 10:30, making it 14 glorious hours of sleep. I woke up to the sounds of breakfast, so I decided to join them. It turns out that Andrea's friends were over, and when I thought before that the Bräckle's could speak quickly, they had nothing on these girls. Holy cow. Breakfast was soft pretzel with homemade strawberry jam and another roll with cheese, which was excellent.
After breakfast Thomas went out to pick some of their cherries, and after watching for a bit I decided to go exploring.
I first headed east to see if I could get on the field I saw on Google Maps, but it was locked, and people were giving me weird looks for trying to get on it, so I quickly walked away. Hopefully the track I saw will be available, but I am not very optimistic.
I then headed north, up Hauptstr., with the general goal of finding an ATM (Geldautomat) and a place to get some shampoo and a razor, both of which I left at home. I saw on my map that Hauptstr. also goes into the heart of Berlin, so that was a possible goal. I enjoyed walking along the street looking into windows and seeing what was around. There were many cool buildings and some interesting markets.
One of the cool buildings |
I found an ATM, and I literally saw a person walk in, but when I tried pulling the door it wouldn't open, so I figured there was some trick that I didn't know and moved on. I tried the next place with ATM-like machines and managed to get in, but when I put in my card it angrily said I couldn't use that card here and I should call my bank. I was fine with this and was hoping that it would at least give me my card back. It did, and I hightailed it out of there. After that I decided to put my search for the ATM on the back burner until I did more research.
I kept heading north, passed a couple of gyms and a couple of stores, marking them in my mind so that I
Potsdamer Platz from afar |
could come back and get some supplies. After a couple of hours, I made it to Potzdamer Platz, a very famous German shopping mall in the center of Berlin.
The view from under the Sony Center |
I wasn't super interested in shopping, but I figured I had to walk through to see what it was like. There was a mini lego land, and a Sony center and some other interesting places, but I walked through to the other side, where I could see trees.
I came out of the building basically on the edge of the Tiergarten, a huge park in the middle of Berlin. This park is more organically shaped than Central Park in New York. The streets look like they were designed around the forest, not the other way around. I wandered through some of the statues and trees until seeing what I thought was a mirage through the trees.
What I thought was a mirage was actually the Memorial for the Fallen Jews. It consists of hundreds of stone obelisks in a grid of varying heights. The shadows between the stone and the light reflecting off of the top of the stone made it seem sort of like a mirage to me. As I got even closer, I saw that the ground sloped down in the middle, and the stones in the middle were up to 15 or 16 feet high, which was not immediately visible from afar. I walked down in between them and looked side to side and saw that there were rolling hills hidden in the stone. All in all I thought it was a very cool memorial.
The memorial |
After the memorial, I figured I couldn't go to the center and not go to the Brandenburg Gate. So, I did the obligatory touristy thing and went there.
I even took a selfie! |
Hungry, and beginning to tire, I decided to head home. I stopped by a bakery and got some really good strawberry and vanilla pastries. I also got a Döner from a street stand,which was ok. I am willing to try it again, seeing as every German and American who comes here raves about them, but my first taste wasn't incredible. I heard there is a good shop by the university, so I will check that out later. I also finally saw that you PUSH the door to get into the ATM (it is such that it cannot close when you are using the ATM. I realized that I had never tried that because I am used to America where every door must be a pull door (plus they had a handle on it, but not a push plate or anything...). I got some cash from the ATM (very cool, because they give you different denominations of bills instead of just 20s). I also stopped by Lidl, their main store chain, and got some shampoo and a razor.
I made it back to my house and rested a bit before a dinner of noodles with asparagus and salmon. We then watched some news and a very hilarious state sponsored "Entertainment" show, where they had a very elaborate setup, and made fun of fat people, etc. etc. Seemed very odd to me. (I will put up a small clip if I ever figure out how).
We then watched "The Family", a movie with Robert De Niro. It was originally all dubbed, but they thought it had lost its humor, so they switched it to English.
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